Saturday, March 22, 2025, 16:04
16:04 UTC
My contributions to "Wikipedia"
[edit]I have started the following wikipedia pages:
- Abraham Kovoor (A militant rationalist from Sri Lanka)
- Yukthivadi (The first rationalist journal in Malayalam)
- M.C.Joseph (The founder of organized rationalist movement in Kerala & founder of the journal Yukthivadi)
- Paul Zacharia (An eminent literary figure in Malayalam)
- H. Narasimhaiah (A leading rationalist leader & educationist from Karnataka)
- Abraham Kovoor's challenge (Self evident!)
- The Jonestown Carnage (Book published in USSR exposing US hand in the Jonestown massacre.
- K.V._Subbanna (An eminent theatre activist from Karnataka)
- Oh_freedom (Post-Civil War African American freedom song)
- Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi (An Indian mathematician, physicist, historian, Marxist philosopher, numismatist and Peace activist)
- Pavanan (A well-known rationalist from Kerala)
Images contributed by me
[edit]Fair use images uploaded by me
[edit]Articles to be developed/improved
[edit]- Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya (Indian Marxist Philosopher)
- Taliparamba (A taluk of North Malabar in Kerala)
- Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi (An iconoclastic sanyasi from Kerala)
- Sanskritisation (A sociology term coined by M.N.Srinivas)
- Kangaroo Words (Words which carry their own baby words!)
- Anand (A writer in Malayalam]]
- Joseph Edamaruku (A militant rationalist from Kerala)
- Narmada Bachao Andolan (A NGO that mobilised tribal people, adivasis, farmers, environmentalists and human rights activists against the Sardar Sarovar Dam)
- Medha Patkar (The militant leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan)
- Ajita Kesakambali (An Indian materialist philosopher in ancient India)
- Payasi (An Indian materialist philosopher in ancient India)
- M.Krishnan Nair (Literary critic in Malayalam)
- K.P.Appan (Literay Critic in Malayalam)
- Eriophyid & Mandari (Disease afflicting coconut tree)
- Samaira Nazir (A Muslim woman murdered by her brother - Honor killing!
- Oppari (a Tamil folk art of weeping songs)
- Biopsy and Nature Cure
The articles to which I have made some contributions
[edit]- Kannur (A district in Kerala)
- Narayana Guru (An eminent social reformer from Kerala)
- Lokayata (The materialist philosophy in ancient India)
- Madhavacharya (Author of Sarvadarsanasangraha and an exponent of Advaita philosophy)
- Aijaz Ahmad (Marxist Literary Theorist and Political Commentator)
- Bhagat Singh
- McCarthyism
- Swami Ramdev
Editing tools
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Creating Footnotes
[edit]This is a text with a footnote1 directed to the following section.
- Note 1 goes here.
Creating Colour Fonts